Friday, June 08, 2007
i'm in SoCal...
maybe it's the summer season that's getting to me, but i don't feel like typing for the past days. it's a lot more about DOING, rather than spending time in front of the screen.
most of may was spent packing (my stuff and my relatives). i later had to unpack my stuff at the new house. then i helped make a garage sale (organized, made signs in the neighborhood, manned the table, etc), and i came up with $93!!! wohoooo! (sorry, no pics)
of course, the stuff i sold weren't mine, but my uncle kindly gave the money to me (to be later split with my sister)...
anyway, all that packing, unpacking, yard-sale arranging had me going on a cleaning streak lately. when i got here to SoCal, the first thing i did was clean my sister's room. and i've been constantly ragging on her to get rid of her old stuff so the room would be more spacious (you wouldn't BELIEVE how much stuff she has).
my parents' room is a different matter. i tried cleaning it before, but then my dad would ask where so-and-so are (all the time), and while i take my time to look for so-and-so, he'd tell me it's hard to organize stuff if he doesn't know where I put them. i tell him to 'so, clean the room yourself then'.
which basically means, it will not be cleaned at all.
thankfully, i still have my sister's room to keep me preoccupied.
what AM i supposed to write here? admittedly, my writing skills have become rusty lately... but updates need to be done, i suppose.
um... i watched pirates3 (m kinda uninterested in writing a review of it)...
i 'might' be going to san francisco tom. MIGHT.
and... er...
the sun is calling out to me. forgive me if i want to step outside :) will desperately TRY to make decent posts next time!
// 11:12 AM