Wednesday, August 30, 2006

drat. i should've watched the emmys.

i luuuuuuuv hugh laurie! (and colin mochrie, of course!!)

drat. just realized i missed house AND prison break premieres. but there's still veronica mars and lost to look forward to. oooh, my study time is gonnna be sooooo screwed.

FYI -- hugh laurie plays dr. house in 'house' and colin mochrie plays, er, as a lot of people/animal/inanimate-object depending-on-the-cue-cards in 'who's line is it anyway'

UPDATE: wow, didn't realize i had a lot of posts for august. well, the next coming months MIGHT be devoted for studying, so this constant blogging may change.

0 comments // 2:56 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i hate having morning classes. yes, 930am is considered EARLY for me. my brain doesn't quite function well at this time (which is why when i'll work, i'll get the afternoon or evening shift). the question is -- how will i survive clinicals? (7AM?!?! eeep!)

anyway, today was my first nutrition class (last week's was cancelled). first impression, teacher looks tough. syllabus AND grading system look toughER. but she had this sense of humor that made me think this class won't be so bad after all.

student A: "i want to become a traveling nurse"
teacher: "how about becoming a cruise, oceanliner type of nurse?"
student A: "oh no no no! i might catch something, a disease or epidemic"
teacher: "i know! then you'd actually have to WORK!"

student B: "i'm also a wedding consultant, so classmates, let me know if you need anything!"
teacher: "that's pretty good! i'll let my husband know!"

lolololol. i just might survive this class :P

0 comments // 12:00 PM

Monday, August 28, 2006

not a huge conan o'brien fan but i thought his intro to the emmys (which i didn't watch) was FUN!

some luvies ---
lost: "well, we weren't exactly invited."
24: "get off the phone, you idiot!"
house: "subject is anemic. possibly albino"
south park: "aack, there's someone in there!"


UPDATE: er, this is actually not related to the above. but i just have some stories from yesterday.

i went to an asian market wearing a sarong draped over my shoulders. it's dark blue overall, with light blue chinese/japanese characters. anyway, i was there to primarily buy some togue (bean sprouts?), frozen peas, and some other stuff that caught my eye. i asked the lady to help me get frozen peas, to which she replied go to the freezer (well, duh). the thing is, i already did, and didn't see any frozen peas. so to humor her, i went to the freezer again and looked, but went back to ask for frozen peas.

me: "i need frozen peas, please"
lady: "have frozen peas"
me: "peas?"
lady: "peeeeeeeeeeaas"
me: "um, please help me and tell me where"

she then went over to my place and pointed to the frozen.... FISH. lololololol

anyway, as i was exiting the asian store, the lady called my attention when she kept saying, misu misu. i'm like, huh? she was pointing to my sarong and saying, you like sushi?

me: "oh yes, yes! i like sushi!" (thoroughly excited to assume that sarong bought unknowlingly complimented my personality)
lady: "you make sushi?"
me: "no, i like sushi!"
lady: "sushi, sushi, you make? we eat"
me: "......"

after that episode, i drove then kinda stormed into ginmiya (a chinese/japanese restaurant) where i met my fave manager and demanded to know what the characters on my sarong mean (haha, i didn't even go there to eat or order anything!). 4 people ended up turning my sarong this way and that, and while i heard murmurs of "misshu?", they all agreed it was not chinese and couldn't read it at all (hahhaa).

my fave manager then shouts, "michelle! what are you doing to me?!?!". i laugh, apologize, and as i exit, i stopped and realized.. he knows my name?

i'm such a regular, i guess i do annoy them quite a bit :P

3 comments // 3:38 PM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

i am not the type to air 'bad laundry', but i have to let myself steam things out (albeit somewhat vaguely)...

bad things happen, that's a given (in my case, it can happen for an entire day). it just becomes worse when some people blow it out of proportion.

i remember one instance, my bro (haha, so much for being vague!!) and i were driving along south super highway, when the car just stops. the mortification of being in the middle of a FAST-PACED situation was increased by the humiliation of pushing the infernal car (so that my bro can start it). ye, i pushed that darn thing, but no matter how hard i tried, the thing won't budge (i found out later that i was pushing on a somewhat uphill part -- arrgh!). so, my bro was yelling, and i was crying...

of course, like all other memories, i can look back at that and just laugh. so dear bro, no worries. it was one of those days.

yesterday was another one of those scenarios.

i'll just tell the side that happened towards the end of the day. ok, so my car's battery died. twice. the first time was in the mall. the second one was in a bloody intersection. **i'll prolly make an email story out of it one of these days.

for the most part, i kept my cool, perspective, and humor (as some might remember on that ONE HORRIBLE DAY OF HELL). particularly when somebody helped me out and dialed 911. i was like, ooooh, 911! like in tv! and i get to personally meet a police officer! so while i was directing traffic (i have some experience back in HS), it didn't take long for a police car to come by (ooooh, lights!!). i calmly explained my situation (i was kinda proud, haha) and listened and obeyed the officer while he helped me get out of the road (gaawd, i wished i had a camera!!!!!!!). then there's the part where i had to stick a plastic bag out of my window (i always wondered about this..)

there upon after that comes the part where people make it worse.

anyway, the logical thing to do was buy a new battery (which i already insisted doing the first time the car died, but somebody insisted otherwise). we did, but since it was getting dark, i was told to buy a flashlight. so i went back to sears, bought one, and paid for it. the only thing was, when i asked the cashier to set up the flashlight for me, the thing won't work (see, when things go bad, everything goes bad). and i'm just politely insisting that i can just get another flashlight, but no, friendly cashier wants to explain and work THIS flashlight. and then helpful customer behind me helps out too (and i'm literally laughing inside the store as this happens), while i say, no please let me get another flashlight. so eventually, the flashlight works and i head my way back out fast.

suffice to say, i got yelled at a lot (not by the officer). phone calls were dropped angrily (not by me). wrong decisions were made (not by me) but i still got yelled at some more. i got quite numb of it eventually, not even making such a whimper to say my side/excuses/sorry, that i just walked away. yes, more yelling.

i tell myself i'm lucky that shit like this happens not too often (altho they happen all at once in the same day). that in all other times of my life, i've been really blessed, so why should i let this one day ruin me. i'm not an optomist by a long shot, but i can look the other way when i want to.

besides, not everything went wrong. case in point -- a family friend that dropped by really unexpectedly (i had to show him and his family around earlier) left me $100!!! when you look at it was really fortunate considering i had to buy a battery on the same day. and then i have an awesome mom who listened to me as i told her about everything about today, in between laughing, crying, joking (i mean really, it was an all day bad luck day). and like always, she and i are always able to put things in perspective between all sides of the issue.

i'm pretty sure i'll look back on this years later and just laugh. but right now, i'm just shaking my head.

0 comments // 7:57 AM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

classes officially started. yawn. **i'm still in summer mode**

ye, ye, pics.. later...

i gotta write this one down first. i told my friend kat once that my country is a geographically screwed one. we have a lot of places below sea level. we are on a plate that makes us prone to earthquake (except palawan, i heard).. we are on the ring of fire, which means we got lots of volcanoes that can erupt anytime soon (if armageddon comes, well, i guess you could say we get wiped off first). we get the regular typhoons that always devastate some province (or even a city). we are near the deepest trench.

not only that, my country also sucks military-ily (ye, i made up my own word). but you get it right, i mean, if war should break out, we will easily lose if it were in terms of weaponry, war technology, and all that. we DO have the survival skills of a cockroach (uh. ye), but nowadays, it's not about manpower anymore.. just a flick of a button...

with regards to that, i feel a sense of doom when i hear about north korea firing its missles somewhere near japan. not only because i luuuv japan, but IF korea does fire those weapons and hit the waters near japan, guess which country ALSO gets affected? ye, the philippines is just right below japan. so, heck, i'm happy to let japan do the complaining.

in other aspect, i don't even understand how we can compete with china (CHINA!!!). even while i was in the philippines, lots of dispute was made over spratlys island, rumored to be one that's rich in oil. china with 1 billion people. china with a long history (past and present) on armies and war. i mean, when i left, the last thing i saw in the newspaper is when we were retiring the last of our five (FIVE!!!!) F-5 jet fighters. here's more sad news: "The subsonic Augusta AS-211 jet trainer and light attack aircraft will temporarily perform external defense duties, the PAF said. It has 18 of these aircraft, though only six are serviceable". SIX?!?! interested in reading more? go here.

so, ye, you get the idea. we screwed a'ight.

i leave my reader(s) with a pic of our volcano.

a thing of beauty. supposedly the only volcano in the world with the perfect cone shape.

but not for long, i'm sorry to predict. it's gonna blow, pretty soon, experts say. that's bad news for the leyte folks (those living near the volcano).

um. i should end this on a good note. um, we have nice people? we're pretty known for our hospitality and overall friendliness but our govt sucks BIG TIME though.. wait.. am i a good testament to that comment? me, nice? ok, shut up you.

.. um, what else... oh, we have fantastic beaches!!! (in fact, the world's center for marine dioversity! but, er, also the most threatened... the recent oil spill incident in guimaras island is definitely NOT helping...)

... we really are a beautiful country (always a delight to visit the provinces)... and...

did i mention we have nice people?

0 comments // 7:41 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

i've had a crappy two days wherein was forced to cancel work twice and a hospital visit (for a much needed clinical requirement!), only to have our allentown trips cancelled. thankfully, OH LORD THANKFULLY, a letter cheered me up today :)

i also went to a barnstormers-vs-bears game tonight (baseball). used to play softball, so mind you, i was not just a dumb observer from the bleachers. the first 5 innings had a lot of excellent plays, and three crucial mistakes from the other team had me laughing my head off in disbelief. but... truth be told, i want to watch a football game :(

i miss basketball, too.

will upload pics of the baseball game at a later post, promise! (and some others, too!)

until then, please enjoy this other drawing. yes, another thing i should be thankful for, i can still sketch and pc-color!

please, please, will the theatre nearby just show Little Miss Sunshine already?

0 comments // 7:49 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!

are you prepared for real REAL cuteness overload???

seriously, are you ready?!?!?!

visit this site!!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!! (i'm adding it to my fave links!!!!!)


on other non-related news, i wonder who won THE FINAL FU? aaarrrg...

1 comments // 6:36 PM

i've been 'in that mood' lately, and to take advantage of it, i grabbed my pencil and started doodling!

feels good to be drawing again, i have to admit. the character here below is lei'ella, from inverloch (a web comic i've been reading lately). comments are welcome! :)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

0 comments // 12:06 AM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

a very long post.

you are welcome to skip reading this, but if you feel like it, then what the heck, just read.

about death

the day before, we finally lay the bomb on my lil cuz. his fishy died. i remember the look my uncle and i gave to each other, reaching for the right words to say. i settled for 'he's prolly too old' (a reasonable excuse) while my uncle went for the emotional route 'he prolly got too lonely coz you went away for so long'.

either way my cuz took it calmly and was very logical in asking questions on our excuses (like, how long do fish live? i went mum at this point).

anyway, i was just a little surprised on his approach, only because when i was his age, i looked at death differently. perhaps because he was spared from actually seeing his pet dead while i wasn't. even until now, i can't quite get over it (i was the one who flushed his little goldfish into the toilet).

this is bad considering i'm getting into a profession wherein death is being dealt with most of the time. i remember chatting with an LPN once, and she warned me gently, 'be prepared for your first death coz it's gonna hit you'.

advice heeded. but i disgress. will go back to pets' deaths for now.

you see, i had the unfortunate experience of watching my pet, a doberman pinscher, die while being treated by a vet, who happened to my uncle. i will spare the readers the details of why/how it led up to it (and i will not talk about it ever), but it was a horrible scene -- looking at a beloved creature struggling to live. and when he breathed his last, i gave such a howl, cried even more insanely, and repeated my pet's name so many times. my uncle didn't get over it either, and never went back to being a vet.

can't believe after so long, i can still cry when i think about it.

of course, i had to go to the ordeal of seeing my dog get buried in our backyard, and that was also quite painful to go thru.

time healed wounds, and i found myself loving another dog, and after many years, he too, died. another painful experience, but tempered with the fact that even up to his death, my dog still thought of us. you see, he was getting old (i think 9 years or more) and had barely the energy to walk. on the day of his death, my mom whispered to him that if he goes and can't take it anymore, we would understand. then she went to my aunt and said out loud that she hoped that he won't be so hard to bury (considering he was a big dog, and would be hard to carry him).

that was the last we found him alive, in our garden. that night, we found him dead under our kalachuchi tree, which was on the opposite side. how he got there, we don't know how, it must have been painful. but he lay in such a peaceful state as if he picked out the place we all (him included) wanted him to be buried at.

it's so sad and sweet (i'm crying unabashedly now).

i guess what i'm trying to say is, i just find it really weird how my lil cuz took the death of his goldfish, that's all. maybe he's just not the type to be overly attached to pets.

about church divisions

another long post. but for this one, i pray that i be guided in saying the right words, and just be in the Spirit. if i erred, i apologize.

i found myself in another uncomfortable position as a church-goer wherein i found some people were leaving. actually, i didn't know about it, but another lady approached me and just brought it up (gee, thanks). honestly, i hoped i'd never get into this again, but while part of me is the type that says 'ignorance is bliss' or 'let sleeping dogs lie', another wants to know the truth, no matter how bad it is.

again, i'll spare the details of why/how it happened (actually, i don't even know that much), but i will leave some points i want to discuss.

- it IS so much better if everyone just loved each other (not made war).
- i have not had the chance of talking directly with a pastor, regarding church abandonment issues. it's a very uncomfortable topic, and i must say, painful for the pastor too.
- a good worship team is helpful, not necessary, to bring the worshippers in the right attitude of praying.
- discussing legalities of what words mean (context-wise or whatever) only leads to more debates on who is wrong, when it's more important to deal with 'what right thing must be done'
- i do NOT agree, however, when the pastor said that we don't need to thank the people who left, or think about them or what they think about the church they left. i'm of the mind and heart that we are called to fellowship.

i feel kinda bad now, coz i was thinking of going to visit another church (just once) to be fair since they've invited me numerous times but i haven't gone there yet. then THIS thing happens, and it feels like i'm abandoning this church to go to another.

admittedly, this church post is kinda vague compared to my previous dog post.


sigh. needless to say, these past 2 days did not put me in a good mood to shop for maternity clothes (it's not for me, idiots!). i'm melanchony(?) and introspective right now. i have gone back to doing some drawing, though.

0 comments // 10:40 AM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

some, um... cute(?) images...

i have my fair share of blogs i regularly visit, and one of them was raving about yawning bunnies. i think bunnies, in particular, are cute. fuzzy wuzzy wabbits are always eety beety cuuuuuuuuute..

i'm now having second thoughts...

its so... unnatural... don't you think? here the rabbit is, looking like the harmless furry creature it should be, when all of the sudden, it begins TO RISE ON ITS PAWS AND BITE THE LIVING HELL OUT OF YOU!


here's one of the few that i found cute:

well, that's only because the two front rabbits were there, and they kinda offset the on-the-verge-of-attacking rabbit at the back. kinda.

if you like yawning rabbits, though, then go here.
i'm settling for yawning dogs.

or people who look like their dogs, like these ones.

very uncanny resemblance :P

and just for the record, sister, my brother happens to find the "youtube of malay girl singing" to be cute.
and now, presenting the LONGER version!!! prepare for cuteness overload!!!

0 comments // 6:57 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006

what is UP with me lately?

despite the good stuff that has come along my way this weekend (out-of-town folks, house to myself, sushi and seaweed salad, pretty gown, morgy, company of ol' and new friends, board games), i'm not FEELING right. i'm not DOING things right.

my major peeve is that my brain refuses to function as its used to. like kat said, it's like it's shut down. i'm slooooow at getting stuff right now; i'm in a rut i didn't know how i got into the first place. i don't know where i'm supposed to attribute this to. lack of stress? lack of activity? lack of (gasp) studying? late night (or early am) sleeping? maybe because i've been stuck at home with the same people most of july/aug? driving around the heat too much (it HAS been hot lately)? too much chemistry tutoring, perhaps? ALL of these? what what what?!?!

also, i broke the freakin' hose. who the heck breaks a hose? apparently, i do. while watering the plants/yard yesterday, i broke the hose-controller. i've superglued ant taped the thing last night, but as i look at the plants, they still look too dry for me. of course, i know the weather has something to do with that, but because i'm in this mood, i'm blaming myself too. it doesn't help that, on the following morning, i find out that the glue/tape didn't work. gaaaaaaaAAARRRRRR...

have much more peeves about myself right now but won't go into detail. but those things and those i've mentioned, they're annoying me. which annoys me more. i apologize. but that condition wherein a person thinks everything is related/talking-about him negatively (i forget what that is), that's me right now. it's no use trying to comfort me about it, coz i know it's ME that's the prob.

i need to get my groove back and fast. i don't know what will help though. maybe this will?

how broadway helps i have no freakin clue. but it was a little nice watching the live version of lion king.

1 comments // 8:33 PM


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