Wednesday, May 16, 2007
i watched spiderman AGAIN.
what cruel punishment.
the second viewing was much better tolerated, seeing that i already knew what was gonna happen next. i guess i was able to like the movie a little bit (i guess being with a kid helps), and i could enjoy the graphics/effects one more time... but had i been given a choice, i wouldn't go. i still HATE mary jane (or more, actually). i still LOVE gwen stacy. movie was STILL cheesy for me... and i began to hate all the good-guy/bad-guy looks of peter parker (i HATE those bangs!).
but i did get to enjoy harry more, whom i believe is the only person who had fun in this movie. AND was it just me, or did the writers just give him a tribute of sorts when he used a green-sword thing to fight peter parker at his mansion? if i remember correctly, james franco (the actor) was supposed to be anakin skywalker (he'd be sooo much better at it than the hayden one).
bad casting CAN be annoying...
btw, while i'm in annoyed mode, let me tell you this RETARDED moment that just happened recently.
yesterday, i was working as part of a team welcoming new students at school. part of my job that time was setting up the computers and tech stuff in this room. i was done a little too quickly, or everybody else was slow, but i found i had a lot of free time.
i suddenly had the urge to PEE.
i waited a few minutes, in case somebody would come. i figured i could run to the bathroom (which was 2 doors away, not even a 10 ft distance)
no one. my bladder was then getting all grumpy on me.
of course, i had strict orders not to leave the room, because if the door closes, it automatically locks. i figured i could use the trash can to prop the door open while i run to answer nature call.
fortunately (i first thought), i saw a security officer. i told him what i was gonna do, which was prop the door open, and run, pee, come back again.
he said no.
whaaaat? i really had this incredulous look on my face. "i just really need to pee, sir".
"no, you cant"
ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDIN' ME?!?!i said, "uum.. the bathroom's just there, i just really need to go"
"you can't leave that room"
FREAKIN' HELL?!?!?!? there were other students nearby, and they were ALSO giving incredulous looks at the officer. really, he's being stupid. he doesn't want me to PEE in the bathroom? so should i pee right on the spot?!?!?!
i said, "umm.. can you watch the room for me then? i really have to go"
"ok. but next time, don't do it"
WHAAAAAAT???? he DOESN'T want me to pee?!?! mind you, this RETARDED officer ALREADY got on my nerves several minutes ago. i had gone to the security office to ask someone to open this same room for me, and THIS officer said he'd be there in 30 seconds, so i told him i'd wait for him there. WELL. i was there for 7 BLOODY MINUTES (of course, that wasn't really a long time, but compared to 30 seconds... that's like, 1400% waiting time!!! *exag!*). so i go down, and ask another security officer to KINDLY OPEN the room for me. this other officer apologized, and then used his radio. then i went to the room again, to see RETARDED officer standing there, without a word of apology.
what WAS it about the room which was so damn important, you might ask? it must be the hitech stuff, which included this nifty monitor.
it's huge, but the cool thing about i could write on it... it had green, red, blue and black buttons, and when you press any of the buttons, say blue, and click-drag on the screen), blue marks appear.
i don't have a picture of it, but since it connects to a projector, and you could actually see the monitor (and any doodle you make) come out on a big screen!
pretty cool!
speaking of cool (well, not really), i made this scrambled egg torta (with gound beef in the middle) for breakfast. my cousin is a notoriously finicky eater, so i told him i used ground beef to make egg.
"what's ground beef", he asks.
"oh, its like a
hamburget patty, only its smashed to lil tiny pieces."
(his eyes perk up at word 'hamburger') "really?! i want some!!"
then my lil cousin proceeds to eat most of what i made (eating the beef, of course).
aaaaah. the power of the RIGHT marketing words :)
// 1:25 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
finals are DONE. can you believe we had to do a CUMULATIVE EXAM?! gaaah, the readings i had to cram...
all left to do now are diagnosis cards, and a bunch of other nursing requirements for next semester... can't they AT LEAST let us relax for summer?!?!
speaking of relax, i FINALLY watched a movie (it wasn't '300', huhu...)
and... i should have listened to my bro n sis.
against better judgment, i watched spiderman. mind you, it was ONLY to see venom n gwen stacy. these two, i wasn't disappointed with. i am actually WISHING there was more airtime for them.
instead, i was forced to watch a teledrama of sorts. it had a LOT of storyline to it, given that there ARE a lot more characters, but the transition to each scene WASN'T smooth. most of the time, i would think "now isn't that convenient", (you know, like how the kontrabida in filipno shows are always within good eavesdropping distance). that meteor falling... the sand experiment where sandman initially falls under (what was it REALLY for, anyway??).. eddie brock being in the church.. then there's that whole revelation thing with the butler on how the orig goblin died...
there were also a LOT of unnecessary parts in the film -- they were BEYOND cheesy! -- that i often found myself wishing i wasn't in the theatre (and it was 3 hours long!!!). the singing and dancing parts should have been removed... they REALLY should have been removed. the one main part of the film that had me SINCERELY laughing was how spidey swung towards the crowd, and hi-fived everyone along his way. and that was only 2 seconds.
sandman was... boring. he had this cool power, i agree, but the film didn't do him justice. the nice thing about spiderman villains is that they have this backstory that fleshes them out as real people with real purposes. they don't mean to be bad at all (like doc oc).
and MARY JANE! dear gosh, i do NOT like her AT ALL! how can spiderman, or anybody for that matter, BE in love with this whiny woman?!? half the time, she has unpretty moments, and there's definitely no FIRE to her character. so UN-mary-jane! (why didn't they just get JJ's secretary?!?) gwen stacy was sooooooo much better, and i could totally understand how she (in the comics) would be the REAL love of peter parker's life. i wish she was nerdy/smart, so it would be total appeal package for peter parker, but sadly, she was underused. way way WAY underused.
another severely underused character was venom. i liked topher grace take on the role, though. i'd rather have him play the sly/manipulative-but-insecure eddie brock, than the just-insecure eddie brock.
come to think of it, half of the movie didn't even involve any acting at all. it was all computer-generated...
and another thing, i honestly think even I could make a better script for the movie.
let's see. instead of venom, we will have the lizard (or dr connor), then use the others just the same -- "goblin jr" and sandman. screw the whole uncle ben killer. spidey doesn't need that. instead, the action will just start immediately with sandman wreaking havoc in the city. let spidey do his thing, battabing-battaboom (haha, mafia-style talk), but HE can't defeat him for the first time. he has to use his smarts (man, i don't even think they portrayed spidey as SMART) and see how to defeat him. for this, he will go to dr connor, his best friend prof, for ideas. THEN, this would be the perfect time to introduce dr connor. he is finding a way to regenerate his arm thru science. he found this black thing from a meteorite that crashed into earth (yup, the venom origin). while he is assisting, gwen comes in. she's dr connor's asst, AND daughter of NY's police chief. but she's smart, so she hangs out with doc a lot.
meanwhile, mary jane will be playing the actress of some play or film. she's pretty good at it (because i WANT her to be good, she's supposed to be MARY JANE, for crying out loud!). harry will be there to support her, but will note peter isnt' there. he's still secretly bitter, and subtly planning to make MM hate peter. MJ runs off to see peter, and they go do the look-at-stars-while-on-web-scene. (that was pretty cool, btw).
on the other side of town, doc oc uses his scientific find with research on how lizards regenerate lost body parts. it works, then we see how his arm miracously forming... which he shows to class the next day! and OF COURSE it's in the NEWS! unfortunately, petey gets beaten with a better pic from eddie brock. ENTER photography rivalry!
pete goes to thank doc, but is intrigued with what happened to his arm, so he takes his own sample of the black thing. does his own research. sees it increases power tenfold (or something). a glob falls/latches on his spidey suit without him knowing.
sandman comes in again. but as pete removes his outfit, he is surprised to see a black suit instead of blue n red. but he has no time to wonder coz there's a fight to win. with newfound strength, spidey also knows what else to do, which is lure him to where there's water nearby. fight scene follows. basically spidey wins... for now. um. and i guess he gets to save gwen, while he's at it, cuz a girl has to be saved... whatever.
news comes in that gwen gets saved. we have that key to the city tribute. harry comes in, again hints with MJ how pete's not there. MJ, still loyal to pete, gets annoyed with harry who's supposed to be pete's bf. while pete-as-spidey is being celebrated, harry takes this time to pull/kidnap MJ aside. also hints to MJ that he knows about pete-as-spidey, and if he wants him to live.... (cut)
still high on his success n love from the city folk, pete wants to propose to MJ the next day. but MJ is suddenly cold to him and says it's over. while pete is stunned, MJ goes to harry, who waits inside his car. MJ is angry at harry, but harry laughs evilly.
pete goes to doc, but instead finds gwen. he gets comforted by her. the doc, on the other hand, is not doing good. we get the cool transformation scene into... THE LIZARD!
sooooo... (wow, i can't believe i'm anal about this) pete is going out with gwen now (who he is finding a lot in common with) and MJ secretly sees this and is hurt. but she's still loyal to pete, knowing harry is going to do something bad to him. harry then reveals his plan to MJ, which involves using MJ as a bait (again! hahaha!).
set-up scene with NEW goblin... FIGHT SCENE, spidey attempts to reason with harry, yada-yada... but new powered spidey is too much for goblin jr to handle, gets upper hand. FORTUNATELY, the lizard steps midway into their fight. goblin jr leaves for spidey to battle new foe. poor spidey is tired from fight with goblin jr, but midway into the NEW fight with lizard, signs of doc connor show thru the surface. spidey gets all distracted. he returns back to lizard, then lizard retreats suddenly. spidey saves MJ. MJ apologizes, but tells pete that harry is goblin! spidey shocked, but doesn't believe her. he leaves MJ.
in his mansion, harry is sulking. OKAAAAY FINE, butler comes in conveniently to say his suspicion on how harry's dad died. harry looks at his dad's tools/gadgets, rethinks.
in school, doc connor is noticeably absent. pete/spidey is worried, forced to rethink about his own black costume. he suspects its because of the black thing, does his research, finds his guess to be true. he has to throw away his costume, but it's hard. he doesn't know how!!
too bad for spidey, lizard wants to fight again! they fight in a church (basta!). as spidey fights, venom-like characteristics come out, and spidey is shocked! along the fight, goblin is revealed to be harry, and spidey doesn't want to fight harry as venom-spidey. then spidey hits bell, which makes HUMONGOUS SOUND that forces venom-tendencies to subside, as well as disorient lizard. spidey quickly removes suit... (wait, he's gonna fight naked? gaaaah). um. um..
well, let's leave that PLOTHOLE to other creative writers. what WILL happen NEXT is that goblin will come in, presumably to fight spidey. BUT, goblin saves spidey from LIZARD. let's see... goblin can hand spidey his ol red-blue suit, the two of them fight lizard. both win (maybe goblin will die.. i dunno. whatever). lizard goes back to doc connor, who will be sad at having his arm severed again, but kinda happy he's back to normal.
pete eventually throws black suit away, knowing its better to believe in yourself, rely on your own strength (the movie's obligatory MORAL LESSON). at the bugle, he again beats eddie brock for a better pic, which makes eddie angry. eddie, however, finds the discarded black suit. it takes over him. he and black suit become... VENOM!!!
SEE! OPENING FOR 4TH SPIDEY FILM, WITH VENOM HAVING MORE AIRTIME!!! wooot! (but then again, i don't know if i can stomach more acting from kirsten dunst... or even tobey maguire!)
what you think? :)
// 6:34 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
this looks fun to do with your friends.
*c/o (one of my fave sites) -- originally taken from COLLEGEHUMOR or this