Wednesday, February 28, 2007
goodbye february. tomorrow -- hello, march!
i remember back in pinas, i used to look forward to march coz it meant it was near the end of the schoolyear. now, i'm STILL going to be in my current college semester, and will be for a good 2 more months yet...
but anyway... i was wondering how to spruce up my blog (well, ye, aside from the layout. i'll get to that next week). i mean, even I MYSELF am bored (gasp!).
let's see, i would love to talk about places to go to in lancaster (shop, dine, etc).. i lack the dough to do anything substantial (like show some good food to eat), but does a girl really need that when she can always just take pics instead? ....hmm ... and then there are websites i normally visit... (mostly manga.. and fashion.. i actually contemplated taking pics of my wardrobe, but i wondered, "am i THAT confident to even take pics of me wearing my clothes???").
hmm... well, i figure i at least owe you guys something.
anyway, let's start... with a look at the house i live in! (well, not for long!)

the house on the left is where i currently stay in. that window near the satellite dish is the one for my room. my uncle took this pic actually, because he had to show some evidence that DirectTV wasn't working... or something like that. soooo, it's a townhouse, pretty well kept (sorry, no inside pics, i have to give some privacy to my relatives). aaah, i shall miss it.
next up, my school!

a lousy side pic, i know. so here's a lousier one! :P

*pic from hacc website*
this is the main building, where i had most of my classes. it's pretty.. decent. but i definitely want more TREES in this place... and more stylish people (i'm beginning to like fashion a weeee bit too much).
i'll do more inside shots of my school later, but here's some that i dug up. below is the library, the one place i originally applied as a student worker. well, i figured, it's got books, i love books...

but my friend julie (asian girl pictured below) was right when she told me i didn't fit there (for one, i'm NOISY. can't count the many times the librarian shhhh-d me for laughing so hard). thank goodness i worked at the learning center instead, coz i got to hang out with an incredibly cool bunch of people. who love sushi.

and dogs (this here is coco, julie's pet chihuahua).

DAAAANG! that's a horrible pic of me (the hair! the clothes! -- and here i'm thinking of taking pics of my wardrobe!!! hahaha! --- and the unplucked eyebrows! thea's salon friend will be chasing me for them!!!).
but the dog is cute, donchatinkso? :P
and, of course, we at the learning center (TLC!) enjoy each other's company. it doesn't get any better than that. i'll try to upload more pics later on to give u guys an idea of what my workplace looks like.
here's my bed:

hah! i WISH!
but really, i do wish i had this bed. the entire house can look crappy, but imagine yourself going to sleep in THIS! maaaaaaaannn........
*got this pic from stylehive, one of the sites i go to. AMAZING stylish pieces, includes home furniture, like what u see above.
so there you have it. hope you guys are happy (well, i am, hehe). i guess i'll stick to talking about lancaster stuff and some fancy smancy wishlist of items that i have my eye on. i don't know why i wanna post on the latter, but i thought u guys would enjoy looking at them as much as i do :)
oh, and i got an A in my exam (phew). now pulled my average grade to a decent B.
Labels: eyecandy, lancaster
// 5:39 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
i. need. a. place. to. stay.
drat. m really worried. i have til summer to panic.
anyway, i recently stumbled upon this gem:

pic c/o
ONEMANGA (you can find other manga here, too -- Bleach, Naruto..)
from what i've seen, the art here in VAGABOND is very good (and refreshing. no big-eyes this time), and its supposedly based on a popular japanese epic story, the fight b/w japan's 2 greatest fighters (the main character is musashi... the name reminds me of a PS rpg game= bravefencer musashi.. hmm...). anyway, japanese swordfights are always cool with me. (watch samurai x or "rurounin kenshin", teng!!!)
now, if only the website guy updates the vagabond manga uploads, AND put the archives in (save me the trouble of finding them)...
// 8:11 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
it has been snowing/hailing nonstop since tuesday morning. so yesterday, we got out of clinicals a little early... and there are no classes today (there's actually a snow storm)
i guess snow has its advantages. and seeing the place so white and pure, add the happy scene of little kids playing around, sledding, and throwing snow balls... it gives a really a nice serene feeling.
until i have to shovel YET AGAIN... clean my car charlie the DRIVE (groan) tomorrow...
but that can wait. i'll enjoy the white show for now.

*the view from my room*
// 8:47 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
1st exam result came in...
i got my very first C...
the world did not end :)
// 5:11 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
gaaaah! too... much... YELLOW...!!! they blind me!!!!!

politics. bleck! (but i still can't stop myself from reading abt them)
had my first day of clinicals today. hmmm... it was a'ight. actually, i didn't do much with MY patient. but having nothing else to do, i made sure i knew my way around, what to do per policy, chatted/helped with OTHER patients... m pretty sure i can do my job as a nurse, since i pick up stuff pretty quick (verbal reports, medical records), and i do generally want to learn and help out.
here's wishing next time would be better :)
man. i need sushi... and PUPPIES!!!!
better yet, here are MORE pics of julia! such delightful shots!

hahahahaaaaaa!! they sooooooo cheer me up BIG TIME!! they also make a classic "mengs/thea different reaction" collage (see below to know what i mean)

*click image for a bigger size*
hope all these pics cheer u up, too! :) (well, if the first yellow pic does as well... whatever floats ur boat, dude!)
go to her site for more pics!
on a side note, this blog is turning out to be another julia blog! heee heee
// 4:50 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
last feb2, mr groundhog said.... SPRING IS COMING! YAHOOOOO!!!
the bad news: i have an exam this wednesday! yipes! need ur prayers, people!
the good news: my niece is STILL as adorable as everrrrrr!!!

this baby knows a secret... wouldn't YOU like to know!
// 3:00 PM