back in the philippines, we like to celebrate christmas and new years a little bit early. call us impatient, but that's how we were. so a few days before dec25 or jan1, the fireworks would start in our street already.
enter simba, our beloved dog. as a young pup, we believe he was traumatized by the sound of fireworks. at the slightest POP, you will find his royal stature suddenly collapse. his head would droop very low, his entire body assumes a meek demeanor, and he slowly but quietly heads toward our front door. "let me in, pleaaaaaaaase", u can almost hear him say. and amid our smiles, we let the poor dog in, and he heads toward the bathroom, where hopefully, the tile-filled room will lessen the sound of fireworks. he would stay there for days, if he could.
what an adorable wuss.
now, I'M that wuss (not necessarily adorable, but definitely a wuss).
the slightest snowflake worries me. today, i was supposed to go to the school library to study for my exam tomorrow. but as i was driving from church towards school, i saw the first snowflake fall. and then another. and another.
and just like that, i decided right there and then to head to home na lang and do my studying there. sigh.
me like dogs big time, but me thinks this dog is a little on the weird side.
i'm horrified, but strangely enough, i can't help myself from smirking/smiling at the same time, especially when THIS blogger calls it the "poor pooch has an evil leg".
sigh. i needed a little time off (just finished my 10th online quiz a while ago, starting my cd-quizzes now (for exam review, ONE THIS MONDAY!), hence this long post. at least it's not snowing right now.
while i'm in this temporary R&R, i figured my blog needed an update. that, and i needed my perking up.
which THESE pictures below certainly did! i keep looking at them all the time! they'll definitely have you smiling as well!
definitely the cutest, happiest bebe i've seen (ye, m biased, so what). sigh. what i wouldn't give to actually hear and see her in person. more pics at my niece's website! (click HERE)
i'm SORRY, but if you admitted to stealing P130 million pesos from the country, you return said P130 million. NOT just P25 million. (story HERE) grabe, how i'd love to punch-wipe that smug smirk out of ato ang's face.
and i'm sorry, i STILL feel sorry for erap. granted, his stupidity, false ideas of friendship and greed are what got him into this huge mess. it IS his fault in the first place. but the people grilling him now are his EX-buddies, who just happen to be smarter than him. THEY should be prosecuted as well.
arg. flurries (those pesky snow) are falling, just as i leave ephrata and head for home. makes driving insanely stressful, especially as i haven't installed my winter tires yet (those with spikes).
slooooooow driving followed, but i have to do some careful turning coz my car WILL skid if i don't. picture courtesy from this site. (don't ask me why i went there, i'm just borrowing his image and appropriately crediting him as the source)
aaaaaaaand, this means i'll be shoving EARLY tomorrow. to think i have clinicals already, wherein i have to be at my site at 8am or even FREAKIN 7AM.
i had the weirdest dream last night... or nightmare.
cut to the chase, i was being chased by mafia. i don't know where the heck that idea came from, but there you go. they were trying to kill me, of course. and i remember the scenes with me flying from manila to cebu and back. my house was my barkada tin's house. it was an entire story arc that seemed to go on for days, which ended up with me always running, or being scared.
the scenes that i do remember was: (1) i was running, and i turned around the corner, and bumped into my sis. one of the goons catch up to us, and somehow i have a white stick with me, beat the goon with it, all the while shouting to my sister, "go go go!" (2) i was in the house, but having the hardest time to go to sleep coz my room had all windows in 2 corners of it. i insisted on sleeping alone (in case i got snipers, i didn't want to involve anyone), but of course, that made me MORE paranoid. (3) strangely enough, my family was taking it all in stride, even when i felt my life was threatened. well, of course, i'm just gonna die, you know. (sarcastic)
i'm interested to know what these all means, especially if they are metaphors to somethings in my life. any ideas? (actually, i do have some...)
sayang kasi i still remember it vividly when i woke up, but was too tamad to go the the pc to write about it (well, it was 5am!). but 5min after waking up, my bro calls me to say he got me some black adidas sneakers. he's in ruins (at naririnig ko yung ingay sa background), and will be buying 2 more sneakers for the rest of the family.
on my 3rd day, and i'm kinda feeling the pressure. nursing requires a lot of reading (i admit it IS testing the limits of my preference for reading). i can't believe i'm saying this, but last semester might be a breeze compared to this one. still, i am thankful i took english102 and nutrition, they kinda help me prepare for this.
nothing else to do but go with the flow. dont let it overtake you, just go with it. likewise, don't struggle to go to the top all the time, or you find yourself getting too burned out early in the game.
kamusta na kayo lahat? hope you're all okay. malamig na d2, dipping to below 0 degree Celsius. wind chill is horrible. i need thick undergarments.
gaaah. just survived my first day of clinicals. 5 set of skills to be learned, which i'm mostly managing EXCEPT taking the blood pressure. *deep breath* will not panic.
what i AM panicing right now is a potential stalker. yup, u heard that right. meron ata akong stalker. pero malakas suspetsa ko. and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to be calm about this other info: kilala ko sya (kaklase ko ngayon sa nursing at last year ko pa nakilala).
i was driving home already when i noticed a car following right behind me. now i'm kinda far-sighted, and my glasses can only help me so much, but i could make out the driver's features. what irks me that everytime both of our car stops, lagi niya nililingon mukha nya. as in. it's not your normal driver behavior.
it just so happens i know a lot of side streets, so i make an immediate left turn to this secluded road, and the guy is still in pursuit. i turn again, right this time, and he follows. i then signal to turn left on another road, then another left, (and it's obvious that i'm about to go around in circles), and then the guy madly screeches off to my side to overtake me. biglang sobrang bilis magpatakbo. AND, take note, we were on a street, where only one car is supposed to occupy a side of the street, so he shouldn't have overtook me. i bet he did that so i couldn't see his face.
i'm gonna be a lot more careful, but it sucks that this nasty feeling is not going to go away coz i'm gonna see his face still.
if you've noticed, nagtataglog na uli ako. it's a nice change. and the point is much more clearer said. impunto, kumbaga.
i promised some julia posts, so i'll do that. and besides, it will take my mind off from what i just went thru.
here she is!
chubby cheeks!
sleeping! wow, she has some sleeping position going on :)
i think by this time she's noticing this weird thing (camera) is on her a lot.
so... she now tries not to notice it. "must not look, must not look"
it just so happens that when it comes to my bro, julia makes the funniest pose/shots. here she is picking her nose (haha)..
and here she's looking at her dad, as if saying... ummm, you got a big zit there, mister (hahaha)
do you think my sister looks like her? we compare...
my bro regularly sends me pics, so you're sure to see more of her in the future. ain't she the cutest? i look forward to seeing her grow up :)
i'm also officially starting my nursing clinicals, hence, this semester also comes with a whole set of new experiences. yes, i have my spankin brand new stethoscope, uniform, plus a whole set of nursing books and other paraphernalia. the sound you hear right now is money slowly draining away...
strangely enough, i'm calm... although, this feeling is probably similar to what one would call "being in the eye of a storm".
anyway, i want to greet my readers with a happy 2007! hope you all had a wonderful holiday break! my life would be hectic but i will keep posting, albeit in shorter entries. i really wanted to post some pics, but it's 2am already (and photobucket wont' cooperate with me, darn), and i need to go to sleep.