i will do the scapegoat thing and blame the weather for my current mood. it HAS been getting dark way too quickly, and add the cold wind factor, you have a cooped-up girl in the house. i've read somewhere that mood can depend on neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly serotonin (wow, psychology classes kickin in!). depression has been known to be linked with serotonin -- when it's sunny and bright, serotonin levels go up; when it's dark, serotonin levels go down.
in short... my brain's messed up :P
this didn't make sense first since in the philippines, i liked the cold weather (maybe because my childhood associated it with christmas or possible no-school). but here in US, the day/night schedule changes. the philippines is kinda near the equator, so we have steady weather conditions (rain, no rain). here, we have 4 season, and since we're hitting winter already, the nights are getting longer. and when it's cold here, its really frickin cold. this tropical girl gives her unconditional surrender to it.
so there, i'll blame serotonin levels, US geography AND weather for my mood.
i'll make this a light-hearted post by putting this pic below. INNOCENT READERS BE WARNED! it can get scandalous!!!!!!!!
you, cover your eyes!!!!
aaah! i warned you not to look, dog! hahaha! anyway, this is actually a TRUE news story. apparently, you can now use your bra as a shopping bag (no more plastics!) and, look, you get to be eco-friendly at the same time! neat-o! LOL
sigh. just typing this brings happy tears to my eyes.
and yes, this is another japanese invention :P i love me japanese stuff, but sometimes, they crack me up! wait, wanna see pics of more inventions? go here! there are BOOKS!
and this blog post by one pilipina will SURELY make you laugh! salbahe! mengs, thea, this is a highly-recommended-must-read! go now! NOW NOW NOW!
the mind may be the master, but the body sure knows how to make a say.
lately i had been mentally exerting a huge share of effort at finishing all my schoolwork. yes, i'm still going with the flow of things, and for the most part, i thought i was doing fine. call it the illusion of control.
then my body seemed to catch up.
let's see, there's the pimple outbreak, EVEN with a decent amt of sleep (4-5 hours per day counts, right?). then a period of no 'time of the month' to THE TIME OF THE MONTH (sorry, don't wanna make it too graphic for my readers). i'm getting a little depressed (lack of exercise, sunlight, social gaiety, family face-to-face interactions). at times, my face isn't smiling that much anymore. add some unwanted attention (yegads)....
i need sushi. i need my anime. i need my graphics. and yes, i really do need the sleep. and while they don't necessarily solve anything of what i'm feeling above, they can help. takara plum wine also sounds good.
frak. so what's a girl gotta do? well, i screwed homework these past three days. yes, how very unlike me. but both my brain and body needed the break. i also just came from a movie, happy feet, with my cousin. it was hhhhhooooooookay for the plot. maybe bordering on the dark side, for a kid's movie. but character-wise -- i'm talking about the penguins here -- let's just say i've never been to a movie where i squirmed a lot. omg, they're just THAT freakin' cute!!!!!!!!! especially those cute baby ones!!!!! omg omg omg!!!!!!!
anyway, i'm just gonna shut up about whining/reflecting/moaning right now. i know i'll get back to studying, but today, i'll focus on some good stuff... like the cake my friend gave me. and the dvd my friend burned for me (season1 of bleach). and the phone calls i got, even from back home at pinas. and yes, those darling penguins.
i'm so weird. hormones? naaah, maybe it's because i just got a year older. or maybe i'm in the pursuit of happiness, of which i'm feeling a little lost on... i dunno. anyway, here's a video. watch from start to finish; it's poignant.
i'm getting a little uncomfortable lately. there are 3 people in campus right now that i can't seem to AVOID lately!!!! and while i'm usually nice, i find it really hard to stay... un-creeped out. hmph. i guess i'll just make sure i have somebody with me as my 'companion-alibi'. gaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!! *pounds head frustratingly on the table*
anyway, i do have something here that immensely cheers me up.
everyone, meet my pretty niece julia danielle!!!!
another november celebrant! woooohoooo! lil julia was born on nov4, if anyone's interested :)
i guess she got pretty excited to come out when she (while in her mommy's tummy) heard they were going to a baby shower. yes, folks, she was delivered on the day of her mom's baby shower! one month ahead of schedule! they were even on their way to the party when she was 'let me out now!!!" gustong makisama sa handaan, hehe.
the baby shower turned into a welcome party instead, and the hospital room never before had seen so many visitors in one day. yes, julia, you have definitely arrived :)
Welcome to the family We're glad that you have come to share your life with us as we grow in love and may we always be to you what God would have us be a family always there to be strong and to lean on.
P.S. new link in my side bar -- annedre/julia for anyone who wants to see more pics! :)