had a horrible test (sheesh, not again!!!) but anyway, i'll spare you the details of that. i have a brief break right now to browse some stuff in my pc and in the net... so, here's some happy news for once (yey!)
(1) new movie will star scarlett johansson (well, she's supposed to be good), natalie portman (yey), and eric bana (wohooo!). it's called "the other boleyn girl", which is a story that i'm sort of familiar with (having read 'the lady in the tower'). the book made me interested to know the story about anne boleyn (portrayed by portman, good choice!), but i'm curious as to see who the movie is actually referring to (it may be mary, played by johansson). also, it has ERIC BANA! how can you possibly go wrong with that? he will make king henry something to look forward to.
it's gonna be at 2007, though (nyrr...) -image taken from justjared.com
------------- (2) some nature pics taken 3 weeks ago (ye, that long). it was one foggy morning...
... and as i had just dropped off my cousin at his school bus stop when i noticed this thing of beauty.
ye, it's a spider's web. spider thoughts aside, i am fascinated by how intricate the web looks. in a sunny day, it would appear invisible, almost silk-like, and the way the light would reflect on the threads was also interesting in itself. so i guess what made me more intrigued about it was how this one stood out so well. i then came across another web...
and another... (ye, there's a lot of them here)...
and upon closer inspection, i saw this:
it's a wonder how those beads of water just clung to that thread, without breaking it. and to me, it looked like an intricate jewelry, like strands of pearls.
in retrospect, this SHOULD be icky (the cobwebs, i mean). i mean, i went on 2 streets, and i saw tons of them. but.. well, i guess what i'm just saying is, nature can be so amazing and pretty sometimes.. *figured i'd get a shot of putting something geeky for once... er... is it?
------------- (3) speaking of geeky... weird al is here again!
------------- (4) ok, so if the other ones weren't really happy things, but rest assured, THIS ONE just trumps them all!! the happiest one yet! there's a certain concert that i'm going to this october and i'm REALLY looking forward to it. why? check out the ticket for yourself! (hint: look at the name!)
still doesn't ring a bell? how about this picture, then... EYAAAAAAAAH! COLIN!!!! XP (hopefully, things go as planned! my sanity depends on it!!!)
what!!! you still aren't happy?!? picky people! then HERE! squeeeeeeeeeal on THIS!
here's my 69th post. i always wondered what i'd write about it.
see, here's the thing about 69. well, i was a senior back at highschool and i didn't know what the heck this number meant at first. luckily (sarcastic) for me, this turned out to be my number in our intramurals. yes, so i had this big 69 at the back of my shirt. i couldn't understand first what the fuss was all about until someone kind enough told me... well, yeah, so that's it. i was naive back then, what can i say?
anyway, i'm still kinda busy right now, but i'm taking just this day off to relax. had a rough day (i seem to be having them a lot lately). let's see... my first zero ever (gawd, that was such an unpleasant experience). an abnormal psychology test that was soooo tricky in the questions, it literally had my mind spinning. that GIRL again, and a nutrition prof that was getting on my nerves for being so demeaning to all her students save one suck-up (not me)...
so i went over at kat's place, wine in my bag and had a few drinks at her place (mmmm...). she added chocolate to the drink (yummmmmy). conversations. and of course, lil morgy (her cute dog) helped a lot.
i'll really try to talk about myself less next post. i have some nice shots i wanted to share, but that will have to wait til next thu when i'm done with all my homework and tests (for the meantime...). sigh.
anyway, i'm going to sleep now :) mmm, wine.........
sorry for lack of update, but please bear my absence for a bit more (yeah, i know you guys 'miss' me). i'll be incognito for these 2 weeks due to heavy homework and exam cramming. garr...
MENGS!!! i'll add your blog next time to my list of blogs (just have time to write this post, sorry).. anyway, i thought of something... you know our family 'custom' of joining names... here it is --- JULIANNEDRE. hihihihi!
it appals me to say it, but i really do, and for such a minor thing, too. it happened today as i was blissfully taking a nap at my workplace (note: i wasn't 'on duty' then). all of a sudden, i was jolted awake by three solid quick raps on the table i was sleeping on! i was startled, and looked wide-eyed at the person beside me (i wasn't angry then, just really really surprised. heart-in-my-throat surprised)
this lady just looks at me directly, unapologetic, and says "i need your help".
normally, i'm not one to bite somebody's head off for that remark. because in my workplace, i am expected to do that (i am a tutor). still, to wake me from my sleep, in that manner no less, was inviting trouble. BIG trouble. for one split second, i swore i gave her a "look that could kill".
i have already been irritated by her before by the way she expects me to do something for her, like i'm obligated to. besides, i have told her before (yes, i've met her before) that i wasn't an english tutor, and another person is far suited to help her out in that department.
but a cooler head persisted, and i just said nothing and said calmly "what is it?". she then shows me a question that she needed clarification on.
it turned out to be her son's grade 3 assignment.
a mental image of me strangling her neck just flashed in my head. lady, you woke up my sleep for this?! i am not paid to do that!! i am not your son's mother, nor am i your son's teacher!!! and this is sooooooo freakin' elementary that you can't help him out with it?!?!?!
but FINEEEEE, i help her out anyway. just so she gets out of my space asap.
i then tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. maybe she doesn't know i'm not working right now. maybe she thinks i have no class (i was actually resting from my oh-so-many readings). or that i was slacking off.
but no. i strongly believe she's one of those people that wants HER work done for her, no matter the inconvenience it causes to other people. yes, that meant waking people up. because she prolly never heard of common decency. no polite "excuse me" or "sorry for disturbing you" comments.
now that i'm fully awake, she then moves to her ENGLISH FAVORS (gaaaaaAAAAHH!!!! i am NOT an english tutor!!!). she expects me to find her clean sheets of paper. she then shows me her research as if to say, "ok, so what do i do next?". does she expect me to freakin' spoonfeed her?!?! (see, this is what happens when you wake me up)
and while i do seem harsh as i'm writing this, i have to say its the truth. and i bet i'm not the only person that doesn't just think like this. this was somehow validated by the fact of what happened a few minutes later. by this time, i kept myself busy by appearing busy -- reading my textbook (though my head was pounding painfully crazy, and my chest still felt tight from that ugly wake up episode). she then approaches another person in my workplace, to ask for help. the guy literally does a 180 turn and goes away. far away.
allow me a brief moment before i get back to my hectic studying/writing schedule.
this is a follow-up to steve irwin's death, of which PETA is untouched about. i find it ironic, considering how much attention mr irwin gave to animals. through him, people got to know the other unpopular, misunderstood creatures. and i didn't see him as provoking them; it was more of like, getting acquainted with them.
i understand (and mostly applaud) PETA's goal for 'humane' treatment of animals, but their comment is certainly unjustified. it might have been better if they just didn't speak at all.
also, my previous post about the crocodile hunter may have come off as unfeeling, but believe me, i had the highest respect for the guy. and his death, while a loss, was probably the way he wanted it to happen. i mentioned to my brother that he was probably ok with the idea of dying by the hand, er, barb of an animal. he might have even said, "cool! i got stung!" or something to that effect.
some random posts (prolly influenced by some random visitors going around lately. um, hi!):
------ my bro just emailed me a while ago that steve "crocodile hunter" irwin (known very much for his CRIKEY! exclamations) just passed away... an accident off the coast of australia, which resulted in a stingray barb through his chest. ouch.
------ i was a little pissed yesterday (gee, i've been pissed a lot lately), which kinda culminated with me hitting a car.
for the most part, i hit his spare tire at the back when we were both backing up at a parking lot. the driver was kind enough to reassure me with 'its ok, its ok!' when he saw the look of frustration on my face. i wasn't worried about my car at the moment, but his. there wasn't any damage on both cars actually (thankfully!!), but i guess we were both surprised to hear something a small 'bgg'.
i'm berating myself right now that i should've been mortified about it, but earlier that day i was thinking a lot of thoughts that i just had to drive somewhere (remind me not to do it again). hence the look of frustration that said "what now?!?"
i won't say what happened previously that ticked me off, but after that little accident, i felt the need to just chill out the thoughts in my head. so i went to watch 'little miss sunshine'.
i'm sooooo glad i went to see it! its funny without having to resort to slapstick humor. the cast was just superb, and while i had my doubts with steve carrell in it, it turned out i was fortunately wrong. watch watch!
------ anyway, CONGRATS MENGS AND ATE ANNE! send me the 4d ultrasound clip already!!!
------ tnx to myspace, i've downloaded some pinoy songs. wow... never thought i'd say this, but it's so nice hearing opm music for once. *opm = original pinoy music*
------ i figured i better post some pics here; it's getting too text-y. i'm taking my cue from the cute websites such as this and this, so i'll be posting my, er, set. (i can't say they're mine, coz they're not. but i do have some cute doggie pics). ye, my layout was different that time.
o------ from my former boss sir albert:
the napping squirrel
peekabooo whale
ever cute penguins
o------ from the internet (i got infatuated momentarily with tigers. furriness!!! lovely pattern too!!!):
where puss in boots (shrek2) was probably copied from
rock lee just lost the use of his left arm and left leg. (i'm referring to a naruto character)
i'm so much of an anime fan that i STILL get moved (yes, even to tears) when something happens to my fave character. granted i don't get to watch naruto a lot, but still...
don't worry, bushy brow! you will be able to fight again, soon!
---------- take me out to the ballpark...
... or any place i could watch live sports games. the crowds, the shouting, the excitement in the air. for me, nothing still beats the lasalle-feu game (my college back in pinas), wherein lasalle reclaimed its basketball title.
it also helps to know how some games are played. you don't want to be cheering, and then go saying 'what just happened?' (it's funny to see in kids, though). thankfully, i've been exposed to a lot of sports (played some, too) to really enjoy what i'm watching.
anyway, i watched my second barnstomers game (baseball to you) tonight. while it still remains to be seen if i'm gonna start becoming a loyal fan, i can tell you that.the second time totally rocked.
first off, i got FREE skybox seats. SWEEEEEEEEET! high up there, honestly, it's a much better view, and you can always hear the sweet 'thunk' of the bat hitting the ball. you also appreciate more the distance the baseball travels. plus, there's something about the skybox that's so.. i dunno... sweet. ye, can't think of any other words right now.
the game also went 15-0 (barnstomers totally squashed road warriors) in 9 innings. there were some spectacular catches and strikeouts (some awesome pitching here), plus a lot of foul balls (that a lot of the audience had to duck.. seriously!) and 2 near fights! who knew baseball was such a violent sport! lolol
i now want to watch a live football game :P bring it on!!!!
p.s. anybody with bluetooth/infrared gadgets out there? i took pics with my cellphone (gaaar, didn't bring my camera!), and i want to upload them here :(
---------- i've FINALLY looked up my comments. tnx to all those that left lil msgs for me! (kat, the cute overload site is so sweeeeeeeeet!)