i'm considering doing LESS multi-tasking. research is showing that the more you multi-task, the less you remember stuff. story here.
but, but... i LIKE multi-tasking!!! :( i do admit, that doing different unrelated stuff makes it hard for me to remember what i did previously. that's why sometimes (being the operative word), i have to list down the things i need to do, then cross those that i did. i also like multi-tasking because, in my honest opinion, it made me flexible. like i can do anything. a one-army gal (of course, that does have its bad sides. people expect you to do EVERYTHING).
i don't remember where i read this one, but multi-tasking actually stimulates the mind. sometimes, we are so used doing the same stuff, we get complacent (is this term right?), the brain gets dull. there was another research that we should try practicing doing something else, like writing with your left hand (wait, i think this is the one where you have to stimulate the other side of your brain. another research topic)
besides, how can you NOT multi-task? technology makes it possible for us to do a lot of stuff at once. tho not necessarily multi-tasking, my type of surfing involves having my firefox open several tabs.
on hindsight, technology might not have really done its part in making our lives any easier. stress-free, yes. but because we can do a lot more, we unintentionally allowed ourselves to work more and harder to accomplish more stuff.
anyway, back to multitasking research. hmm.. have to back that previous claim up. let's see:
Multi-taskers are really just splitting their time and attention into smaller slices than you; no one can really do more than one thing at a time.
Roman philosopher Publilius Syrus himself uttered in 100 B.C., "To do two things at once is to do neither.
Closely related to trying to do two things at once is "task-switching," which is when you flit between functions...Constant nibbling from one task to another both slows and dumbs you down. It also is fatiguing and potentially harmful in terms of long-term health...
ayayayyy... for the sake of sanity, then.. fine, i'll do less. ------
OMG! so freakin' cute! read this story below (taken from chloe's blog)
Chloe, her Mommy and Daddy and Yaya Inday were at mass last Sunday. Note, that the most recognizable mass song she knows is...
Si Kristo ay gunitain Sarili niya inihain Bilang pagkain't inumin Pinagsasaluhan natin Hanggang sa siya'y dumating Hanggang sa siya'y dumating
Anyway, for some weird reason, the church choir sings a different song with the word "Kristo" and Chloe got rather annoyed.
Chloe: Daddy, that's not si Kristo ay gunitain, Sarili niya inihain, Bilang pagkain't inumin, Pinagsasaluhan natin. I don't like that Kristo.
Daddy Louie laughs and then notices that Chloe is heading towards the center aisle of the church.
Daddy: Chloe, where are you going?
Chloe: I'm telling Papa Lord that I don't like the Kristo they sang...
too precious! hahaha!
weather has been freaky this DAY. it started ok this morning.. turned insanely hot, sunny and humid by noon.. got cloudy in the early afternoon.. got windy and POURED with matching lightnings and thunders in the late afternoon.. turned to clear skies by dusk.. then rains/thunders again in the night. moody weather! o_O
i just read "angels and demons" by the same guy (dan brown) who did "davinci code". i have to say... i think i like "angels and demons" better.
don't be scared by the title! i know i was when i first heard about it. let's see, without giving too much away... the twistS (plural!) in the end were just woaaah. likewise, i couldn't put the book down, had to read it straight from start to finish. the plot is less scandalous (but more realistic, i think), it's more sympathetic to ALL characters, lots of science fact and history involved (interesting stuff).
i forget i was supposed to watch "the davinci code" just for the sake of looking at the paintings, cathedrals, and other places i've read in the book. the "angels and demons" evoke the same yearning in me. at least with the former, i got to see some pictures from a picture novel... hmmm... must see if there's one for "angels..."
why this wasn't hyped, i'm not too sure (well, actually, i do).
just borrowed "eat love pray" from my school's library. saw this at one of the blogs i aimlessly search about. review here.
while i haven't read it yet (i don't read right away, i let myself get a feel of the book first. like, it has to be at the right moment and i at the right mood), the premise of travel is the one that really appealed to me at first. reading the review, i saw the spontainety of it all (did i spell spont*** right?), then her soul-searching quest.
verrrry interesting....
that, and it just reinforced what i want to do in my life. travel is definitely one of them.
i'm sorry to say i'm not gonna save for a big house (it's gonna be hard to clean anyway), nor get the fancy shmancy car (just let me get to where i wanna go!), or the hi-tech gadgets (.. er, a few to keep WILL be nice). aaaah basta, have to travel!
- took my dosage exam, of course. even tho it involved simple math, it was horrible; i had to get a 100%. talk about PRESSURE! and we didn't even get a calculator. similar to how unused i was to writing (being that i prefer typing already), doing math by hand was soooooooo alarmingly tedious. i remember i could do math so easily back at gradeschool, but now i was like... what's 6 times 7 again? my math was getting waaaay rusty.
- watched pirates of the caribbean 2. it WAS fun, but i personally think the cannibal scenes could have been removed to make a tighter movie. but that might mean i would have missed seeing captain jack sparrow as a shiskibob. gawd, that was funny.
- went to king of prussia. mall is freakin HUGE! (tho mall of asia in pinas might even be bigger). it was cool seeing new clothes, and when i compare with those here in lancaster, the ones in KOP had definitely more umpf to them. unfortch, i wasn't able to shop around there as much. we went there coz my aunt had to buy a gown for a wedding she's gonna attend in canada, and i was busy 'driving' her mother in a wheelchair. so, ye, not much looking around for me. got a blouse and vest, tho. but i wanna go back... i hope my car can make the long drive tho (we used my uncle's car)
- so my responsibilities right now include being the designated driver for shopping. the king of prussia trip was one of them (imagine, we were coming from a doctor's appointment in columbia township, and then they go, let's go to KOP - just like that!). yesterday was kmart, and a wedding shop at downtown. o where to off are we next?
- cleaned my room. this time, i was throwing old magazines away (don't worry kat, the photoshop ones will NEVER suffer that fate!). then i came across this marie clarie issue with jessica simpson. normally, i can NOT stand her. but i had to keep this one magazine in particular. becuzzzzz, nothing beats reading her 'innocent' comment: i've been a B star, almost a C star, my whole life. finally, i've started climbing my way up to A status . aaah, sweet sweet delusion. it just makes me smile :P
- went to a wedding reception 2 nights ago. my venezuelan friend got hitched to her bf of 6 years, and she invited me along together with my jap and korean friend. i wasn't really supposed to go, since responsibilities kept me home, but she begged, so i begged my folks in return... i went eventually, but had to be late going there. eden resort is pretty ok.
- the WEEK before, i had to go to a family friend's debut. i was able to get a $20 gown/party dress (but admittedly, my aunt's gown looked MUCH better. she said i can borrow hers tho, hihi). it was refreshing, being able to dance again. you do NOT go to a debut and expect NOT to dance. learned 2 new line-dancing, hihi. successfully coaxed my lil cuz to dance with her mom (lots of bribing on my part). well, i got a cute pic of him dancing with his mom, my aunt was happy to dance with her son, my cousin gets his 'payment'. everybody's happy! weee!
- i'd post pics, but i'm feeling lazy nowadays. maybe because i feel the impending doom of summer ending... boooo!
i know i should post something other than myself. believe me, i'm getting tired of the topic, too (hehe). suffice to say, i'll see what new stuff i can post, and details about me will prolly remain minor next time.
* UPDATE! i found out just this morning that i passed my dosage exam! wooohooo! one requirement down, 2 million things left to go!!
changed my layout. it's much easier on the eyes, i think.
ye, i think it'll do. for now. i particularly like the quote-unquote thing... might change it every now and then.
-------------------------- UPDATE: on hindsight, i think i oughta change the lines background, as i now realize they look kinda similar to my sister's layout (but i took the color inspiration from my curtains!).
aaah... makes me smile everytime. especially warms my fuzzy heart to hear such *cough* insane *cough* laughter.
so ye, i'm back from my self-imposed hiatus... which, um, was really short. anyhoo, dosage exams result will be given out next week, and they will mostly determine my attitude for the rest of the summer - super happy or super bummed out. please pray for me!!!
still have some stuff to finish for my clinical requirements. hopefully, they won't take too long.
most of the time, i enjoy talking with the older folks, because: (1) there's always the amusing side to it -- "back in my day..." (plus the ones where you are caught offguard with what they're gonna spill) (2) the insightful one, where you do get some life lessons -- "so remember this..." (3) it's sometimes interesting to listen -- "there's a secret to doing this..."
okay, scratch that. i like LISTENING to them, hehe. they do tend to get carried away with their stories. also, the culture aspect kicks in when you do respect these people for having lived longer than you, and once in a while, you have to look up to them as those with more wisdom and experience than you.
of course, there will be moments (or persons) of exemption, wherein i will NOT be able to take whatever they have to say.
to get to the point wherein my posts are mostly triggered by the topic i'm talking about, yes, on this day, i got talking with one of THEM. but the experience was not that satisfactory.
was talking to my cousin's grandma, and she was telling me stories of the places she's been to. normally, i LOVE travel stories -- it amazes me how many places are out there to discover and roam. so she was telling me how she's been going to how many places in her old life -- canada, US (various states), middle east, pinas. it got kinda confusing for me when she said, sawa na ako sa hongkong at bangkok (i'm tired of hongkong and bangkok). i mean, how is THAT possible? she doesn't go there all the time. does she look for the little corners, nooks, and places that could've made the place unique and special? does she understand the lifestlye and culture of that place? really, how do you get tired of traveling?
but like others, i give her the excuse of being old. it MUST be hard for her.
you see, the one thing that can tick me off is how they can sometimes be one-sided with things. screw years of wisdom. it should teach them to look things in a broader aspect (look who's narrow-minded, hehe). i'm reminded of a grand canyon trip that i took with my sister (and other seniors). we were looking at the beautiful sunset unfolding before us, and while we were admiring the colors, one of them commented -- "wow, you don't see beautiful sunsets in the philippines".. HELLLOOOOOO?? i felt like saying, have you ever seen the ones at manila bay? or bohol? or baguio? grrr.... totally ruined the moment for me.
sigh. i apologize. i'm supposed to respect them and here i am talking sorta bad. i just have some expectations from people, and myself. hopefully, i grow up to be a cool lola, hehe.
anyhooo, to end this post on a positive note, here are some stuff i want to leave behind (for myself and/or for you the readers)
** do your travels (if that should happen): if you can, make a scrapbook/album about it ** always be thankful for each travel you can do: marvel at God's creativity, variety, and majestic power ** be ready to do the usual exploration of tourists spots and then beyond: like i said, look for the unique spots. local stores are always a good starting point, hehe ** it's always better to have somebody close (friend, relative) with you, but try to meet (or at least talk to) people from different places. ** try the local food
pahabol sa dog post. i'm adding more pics!
clockwise from top left: (1) spice (i think) (2) young simba (3) old simba. one of these days, i will tell you stories about beloved simba... sigh...
that ends my post. i will be incommunicado for this week, though, as i am going to prepare for my dosage calculations test required for my clinical. hopefully, i pass. please pray for me! :)
devil wears prada. check pirates of the carribean. check (is it just me, or i like the previous one better? plotwise, that is)
others: superman returns -- because i'm a geek. i HAVE to watch it. if only ticket prices weren't so steep spiderman 3 -- spidey. sandman. venom. goblin. gwen. maybe even lizard. mary who? a scanner darkly. my gulay. a film animated. mission impossible 3 -- i'm sooo way behind. still debating if i have to watch it. x-men 3 -- i knooooow mengs, but i'm a geek! :( a prairie home companion -- meryl streep is here. so's kevin kline.
gaack. so.. this is what, roughly $30? waaaah. and if there are others that i missed... o_O nooooooooo.. so poor.
random dog that i saw when my barkada went wall-climbing/rapelling.
aww. me and kat saw her outside DOTS.
she's soooo cute. i went to this store at cape may and saw this puppy just nestled on the chair. as always, i asked her owner if i could take a pic. she most willingly obliged, and so did this cute puppy!
another random dog that i saw at cape may. his fur was UNBELIEVABLY SOFT. big, and pretty strong dog. he can really pull you, trust me.
its tweetums! no, that's really her name! i went thru some of my cd that i have with me. taken when my boss' friend passed by to get her paycheck from my workplace (gack, i look so harassed. well, i always was at work. but the dog really cheered me up that time)
gizmo, tita myra's dog. he looks like a lion, but really gentle. HUGE and fluffy. but this pic is not during his better days tho. and he has long since passed away. will forever be remembered.
morgy-poo. likes furry, squeaky toys. a most well-behaved, knows-i'm-being-photographed puppy. attempts to steal her have been unsuccesful, because of overprotective mommy.
i luuuuuv this pic. not only because i have a daschund back home, but the expression on their faces is soooooo funny. yellow-shirt dog:"aaand, why are we running again?" 6 dog: "shut up and just run. we're cute anyway" and so you are, my dearies, so you are. story on why these dogs are running as if they didn't have a clue why here.
anyway, here's maaaaaaah boooooooy: isn't he precious? my lil donkey. 1st pic: puppy dog eyes... of which i'm a huge sucker for. 2nd pic: play with me... 3rd pic: prolly his (and my) favorite position -- lying on his back. me and my sis are usually 'strangling' him. 4th pic: the cute, lopsided ear look. aaaaaaaww. i miss you, donkey. ye, it's really his name :) u should see his 'cross-over' move.
actually, m kinda kicking myself for not getting a copy of my other dog pics. i had TONS of them. really. my friend tin invited me once to go with her to a dog expo, where there were ALL KINDS OF BREED of dogs. needless to say, i went camera-happy there.... and.... i don't have the files here with meeeee!!!! dangnabittttttt!!!
p.s. mengs, i need a simba pic. please send me one :)
first thing da boys do when they set foot at cape may, is look for a tv.
coz it's world cup!
the next day, its still the world cup! (the store owners must be pissed)
let the fun begin!
watch hardy, the guy with the hat.
from the look on his face, england does something wrong
england tries for another kick...
and he shoots! er, scores!
dang, he looks really worried...
okaaay, i guess they get another one in.
well, i didn't get the final shot, as it got too crowded in the store.. but england lost, btw.
same day, same game (different teams), different venue.
so okay, they're not really about the world cup per se. not the sport itself, i mean. i found it more fun watching people's reactions, hence the pictures. i'm all up for people who actually do enjoy and watch the sport eagerly. i am NOT a big fan of people who just get into it, for the sake of trend or popularity.
in all honesty, i'm not that excited about it. i understand the novelty behind it, it's an international thing between countries (kaya nga international e!), the tournament happens only once every four games. i like the jerseys. i like it when they go GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL and EVERYBODY gets all excited about it. like one big party. but aside from that, that's all about it. all i see are a bunch of people kicking (oh dear, are there soccer fans here?).
wait, it's not soccer, it's futball. well, it's soccer here in US, and the football i KNOW is the one with the pigskin (i think). whatever. i like the latter one better. i think there's more strategy involved, and it's such a powerful raw sport. to each his own i guess.
so in the end, i found out beckham (admittedly the ONLY player i know in this game, coz he's really hot) resigned his post as england's captain. and in the finals, italy won. um, ye, congrats :)
i got a complaint that i wasn't updating my blog. wow, that was a shock -- i have readers!!
sooo, i went to cape may over the weekend. it was pretty fun, however, i was the only girl in the group. well, there WERE other girls, but i didn't know them, so i ended up hanging around with the guys.
it was a trip i organized for the club. stories to follow later. but for the time being, here are some teaser cape may shots right now.. (gaack, i still have to post my washington pics!!!)
the place where we stayed. it's right across the atlantic ocean (it's pretty cold!!!) the house is managed by a nice lady named meg, who even invited me if i was interested in doing summer job there (hell yeah!).
dolphin sighting! while this shot was taken at sunset beach, there WERE dolphins right across the 931 beach house. i swam in the morning (by myself, too, coz i'm the shy type! hehe) and found 3 dolphins just swimming no more than 50ft away from me. it was pretty surreal, watching them just glide in and out of the same water were i was. i wanted to swim out to them, but at the back of my head, a little voice said, if dolphins can swim there, so can SHARKS. drat. stupid voice.
good thing i was swimming by myself too. a moment after watching the dolphins, i got hit by a huge wave. the experience is prolly similar to a deer caught by the headlights, i just stupidly stood there and took the full brunt of it (and didn't go under the wave). it slammed me hard, pushed me 5-10ft back to shore, where i fell backwards, scrapped my back across the sand, felt my feet awkwardly sticking out of the water. ye. ouch. i immediately stood up, and made sure nobody saw that, hihi.
cape may has lots of victorian-inspired houses. no 2 were alike. lots of stores, too. much fun was had just walking inside them and looking at all the pretty stuff.
proof that this place is really cape may!
i have to say this, tho. part of the thrill in going to the beach is when you see the coconut trees from afar. malapit na tayo sa beaaaach! (we're getting near the beach). there was none of those in cape may. nevertheless, a beach is a beach, and as long as you have fun with your friends, it's a'right.
anyway, some shots have already been posted in my flicker account. i think some of you got invitations to look at my album in snapfish. if you haven't, email me so i can send you one!
i found out last week that i got into clinicals. but it was weird at first.
how? well, the week before that, my friend approached me and told me that she got in. the moment she said that, i went into silent panic mode, because I HADN'T GOTTEN ANYTHING about it. no rejection letter, nor acceptance. fortunately, my working at the counseling services helped me hook up with the nursing advisors, so i 'casually' approached one of them with my dilemma.
turns out, there was ANOTHER person with my name (and yes, i've met her already). SHE got in, and my name (we had different id #'s) was nowhere to be found.
to make the long story short, they fixed the prob and now i have the letter. whatever happened to that other girl, i'm just telling myself it's not my prob. anyway, they hand-delivered the acceptance packet to me last week. let me just say, it spoiled all the fun of the happy, expectant "receiving it in the mailbox" scenario. but ye, i'm psyched to be in...
and so i become this idiot parading around school, holding the packet in my hands. heck, i work hard for it, so might as well get some mileage out of it. so people congratulate me, but what made the whole thing funny was the comments i got from my coworkers:
"yey! when do you start? (i answer back) hope you can still work with us in the spring then" "niceeeeee! but do you think this is gonna affect your work for us?" "that's great! how many classes are you taking at clinicals? (i answer back) that's great! so you can still work for us!"
i do appreciate the fact that they value me as part of their group tho. but yeah, right, they are soooo happy for me. lololol.
i finally open the bloody thing. a few minutes later, i was groaning. once the acceptance packet was opened, i beheld myself with a loooooong list of things i have to do. buy this and that. have a check-up here and there. more stuff to buy. have a cpr accreditation.
i AM excited about the cpr thing. it'd be cool to have those cards that say, I CAN DO CPR!! let the world beware! hihi
was fairly annoyed to find out that my flicker account (photo blog) will not allow me to post my new photos as sets now. gaaaaaarrrr.....
i'm still keeping my shots at flicker (the creative ones, i guess). you have to search my site for CAPE MAY tags.
but, if you want to see some other cape may shots (some are nice, some are real funny), send me an email so i can invite you to see 'em at snapfish! :)
on other news, i watched DEVIL WEARS PRADA with kat today. omg. if there ever was a movie that will inspire you to shop, THIS IS IT. we were practically drooling at the sight of the clothes anne hathaway was wearing. heck, as soon as we got out of the theatre, we went straight to a store and bought new stuff!
oh, the movie itself was nice. meryl streep has such a commanding presence. but, bottomline, it's all about the fashion, folks :) i'll go far as to say i want a copy of this dvd. it will definitely get me in the mood to shop for clothes.