bad news. my bro just texted me a while ago to say, Xmen3 is the WORST superhero movie of all time. he would even go far as to rate it among his top 10 worst movies of all time.
THAT, my friends, is harsh.
of course, his opinion DOES matter. for a long time, we have been movie buds/critics/analysts, and were virtually on the same wavelength on everything we've seen. what he likes, me also like. generally, we go "wooooooooh!" almost at the same time (small o mouth, body jerks backward at the shock and coolness of the scene before us). laugh almost at the same time.. finish each other's sentences (haha)... ok, you get the drift... so we on the same page most of the time. the only movie we didn't agree on was Lord of the Ring, where he frustratingly couldn't comprehend the importance of the One Ring (he didn't read the book, that's why! but otherwise, he really liked the movie)
so when he tells me, xmen3 is the worst... man, that's really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
without going to say, i'm now having second thoughts on watching the movie. i mean, i don't want to spend a freakin' $8 to watch a crappy movie, regardless of the nice graphics. it's all about the story and characters, y'all (case in point: mr&mrs smith. *shudder).
sigh. and here i was about to make a pre-movie post about the movie. you see, i've been fascinated with the idea of mutants, which is partly why i watch anime and movies, read sci-fi, et al. i'm one of those comic geeks, although i don't have enough money to invest in having her own collection.
sure, sure, the concept of mutants can be related to outcasts, say homosexuals - how they're mistreated by society and all that - but i want to stick to the notion that powers make you special, unique.. and with the right kind of power, you are generally able to make your life a whole lot more interesting.
me, i want teleportation. *giddy delight!
see, it appeals to my wanting to travel. and teleportation would be just downright AWESOME! think about it, no more airplane fees to pay! no more immigration to pass through! i can go to japan whenever i want to! i can go back to pinas indefinitely, and visit vigan, camiguin, bohol, boracay! new zealand to see the LOTR sets! japan! i won't miss out on any special occasions back home, but can still be back in states to continue with studies!
PROVIDED that when i teleport, i can take stuff with me. no use going somewhere if i don't have clothes (ala Time Traveler's Wife). or money (how else am i going to spend and buy stuff?). or a DIGITAL CAMERA! gasp! the horror!
teleportation is, of course, it's a self-serving power. if i were to have one that would benefit mankind, it would be.....
wow. that's hard.... can't come up with anything...
um... i guess it would be time-stopping (ala Piper of Charmed). ok, it's also serving in terms of that i can prolly freeze people for whatever reason i want (shut up! dang he's annoying, better leave the room. i wonder what he'll do if he wakes up and finds an egg, out of nowhere, flying in his direction). ooooh. wait. must help others. ok, i could stop things from falling on people, say a building... but then again, i freeze everything right... i'd have to move every single person out of the way. arg. too much hassle... let's see.....
hm. i will seriously consider telekinesis and telepathy. very useful.
or... water manipulation! that'd look awesome! and bloody flexible, too -- i can make it gas, solid, liquid!
or... earth-related! i can make things grow! re-forest everything! make pretty pretty flowers!
or... dang.. i'll come up with a list soon, this is getting long!
okay, one more....
a teleportation power that allows me to bring other people as well!!!!!!!! see, that's not self-serving anymore (because i won't charge fees!). whatever, i want TELEPORTATION POWERS, dangnabit.
that ends my mutant fantasy journal entry. gack, that was long. sooooo, what am i gonna do now...? there IS Batman Begins, which my bro highly recommends. ye, ye i know. that is sooooo horribly late. but people, we're talking about 8 freakin' bucks! for one sittin'! this ain't the philippines, folks!!!
the past 2 weeks have been very good to me and my bro. by that, i mean that we have been chatting almost every chance we could get, and thus, catch up on stuff that's been happening to us.
it warms my very heart, then, that i discovered he also has Lost as one of his fave tv shows. weeeeeeeee! of course, there are a bunch of other shows that we agree on, but Lost is tops right now. anyway, as a fellow Lost junkie, it was only natural that i let him in on some few must-see Lost-related websites.
another is tvgasm. this latter one is the one i'm most proud of. it has all blog updates/summaries on tv programs, done in such a sarcastic, cynical way that just brings a smile to my face. and i am proud to say that i have made my brother a tvgasm-convert fan as well. so much, that his office had to cut down his surfing activites due to the many many many time he has been looking thru tvgasm!
anyway, welcome to the club mengs! i'm sure you're going to 'convert' others as well. aaaah, the tvgasm fan list WILL go on! bwhahahahaha!
happiness can come in different things. good conversations. sushi (yum). seaweed salad (yum yum). mom's beefsteak, or bistek. free frappucino (3 of 'em, can you believe it?!)
ok, food in general is always good, and is always happiness *sheepish grin*. anything free, for that matter, is also always good.
today it was a cd. a photoshop7 cd (waaah, i was just struggling with 4). and then there were also the photoshop magazines. 3 of 'em. looking at them reminded me of my own stash of design magazine and books at home. basically, i'd just buy 'em for the sheer delight of just looking at art. it really gives me a high. you see, it's all talent, hardwork and beauty in those pages. then, if i'm fortunate enough, that high feeling inspires me to work on designs of my own.
thanks kat! :) *happily dances in the safe confines of her own room* weeeeee!
i had the best compliment today: "you should run for SGA president".
she was telling me that i had good organization skills (nyahaha, see my room, will you?). but, of course, she was referring to how i was running out the international club.
that was really nice, that comment. it wasn't actually a compliment, but more of an opinion of someone who believed in me. and that was enough.
i was looking thru my old cd files for some nice pics (i just realized i almost never take pics of myself... unlike my bro and sis! hehe. maybe coz i'm content to be the one taking pics, as opposed to being in the pic... gaack, that's the downside to it).
got sidetracked a bit. anyhooo... i came across the farewell powerpoint presentation that my co-workers made for me. i laughed, i cried, i remembered all the good times and bad (i look at all my old files and go, dang, i did a freakin lot for that company).
the thing was, i realized once again the extent of what i just did. i left them. i really left them. i left everybody in pinas. why???? for what, for this new life in US? is it any better?
i need to remember these words that showed up from one of the last slides ------ "You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life. Practice easing your way along. Do your best; take it as it comes. You can handle anything if you think you can."
but it's not what you think. my happiness right now has something to do with discovering something new. or somethingS new. plural.
that would be HOUSE. ok, and grey's anatomy. both are tv shows. but really, it's HOUSE that gets me grinning in amusement. the lead actor is sarcastic, cynical... aaah, just my cup of tea! :) thank you, beloved fave prof for recommending it to me! (on the downside, sheesh, more tv shows that i need to watch, thus taking up my time. sigh. but on the bright side, both are medically-related, so i learn! hah! justified!!! lol)
and then and then (geeez, i sound like a very chippy excited kid here), there's this book called MAGIC KINGOM FOR SALE SOLD (by terry books)! my good friend mike recommended it, after we found out (quite amazingly) that we both loved dragonlance. the chances of that happening, that coincidence, is really phenomenal. ok, i exaggerate. but we also both love anime, 80's cartoons (thundercats, anyone?), and sci-fi.
anyway, BACK TO THE MAIN POINTS. people, watch house and read MAGIC KINGOM FOR SALE SOLD.
and yes, that strikethru text on SALE (see, i did that again) was intentional.
aaah. these discoveries bring me back to the not-so-long-past of when i first got hold of tsubasa and banana fish (both manga)... aaaah, may this summer hold more discoveries for me to enjoy!
yet another post. see, being free gives me so much time to do blogging! weeee!
let's be pic happy for this entry shall we? -------------------------------
below are some shots on our final day with my fave prof. aww, i'll miss him. funny, smart man...
i'll miss my classmates as well....
although, some of my classmates i will be seeing again on fall semester, as we agreed to take abnormal psych together. like this guy bill below, who's gonna be my classmate for the 4th time if we ever do get the same abspsych! LOL -------------------------------
and then, here are some pics of another food bazaar we did. this time, we made $533! with the money we made, i'm now all set to prepare our club banquet (indian dinner buffet) and the summer trip to cape may.
here's me serving food...
then the group shot...
then the money counting... wait, did i just pocket some of the dough? hehe... -------------------------------
and then, here's some pics i took from lake tobias, a place where i went to to accompany my lil cuz on his fieldtrip. anyhooo, i got inspired from pictures from my sis and jayvee and made captions of my own:
KUZCO SIGHTINGS -------------------------------
what else... o ye, i wanted to post some pics of the 2006 student banquet, but as the pics were taken by some less-experienced photographers (sigh, that's what happens when you want to be in the pics and you have to hand your camera to somebody else), some serious photoshop editing needs to be done first.
anyway, seems i still have a lot of catching up to do with regards to stories. but i think i'm just bored. good golly, and to think it's only hours after my last exam and that ceremony.
what to look forward to now? o ye. tom's sushi lunch (weeee!). more pics soooooooon!
grabe. went to harrisburg today to attend a scholarship-giving ceremony (its $300 pla, not $250. yey!). was by myself, which sucked. didn't know anyone there.
but being by myself has its perks. you get to talk to new people, make new friends, even for a night (which i realize i find to be really enjoyable). i didn't have to worry about leaving a friend in the back of the room for 2 hours when the ceremony began.
going back was harsh. the ceremony ended at 830pm. it was going to be an hour and a half drive back to lancaster. at night. raining. really hard.
it was horrible. i couldn't freakin' see anything on the road. i kept on swerving, and i swore i hydroplaned 2 or 3 times. trucks would pass by, and my car would vibrate just from the force of them passing. well, actually, my car ALREADY shakes, the trucks just make it worse. then when they passed, they had the effect of launching more water on my windshield making it even harder to see. scary shit, man.
had a hell of a term. the most challenging yet (grabe), but probably the most rewarding (buti na lang). made friends (yey), but inavertedly lost some (sigh). my last sem with my fav prof (bawl!), but got treated to a dvd showing of his gorgeous family (weeeee). the period with the most sushis ate ever (yum). times when i consciously dressed up because i felt like being pretty (which is rare, believe me). i was everything i needed myself to be, and not (labo). made a fool of myself countless of times (no common sense). said goodbye. gah. so weird. rollercoaster talaga.
but summer is finally here. time for going back to the gym, to my Kingdom Hearts (i have yet to finish 1, and 2 is already out!), to my tv shows, to my blog. got to work on a sponsorship too. will still work (so its still back to school for me), but not so much pressure now (ok, maybe this time from students na, not from the profs).
happy. also sad. spring is over. it's a new page in my life.