Saturday, March 18, 2006
went to a town council meeting today to hear some people talk about the iraq war. story
// 3:35 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
stories within 4 days...
thursday - got out with fellow tutors at TGIF for a much-needed break and bonding.

L-R: (seated, 1st row) John, Julie, Jess, Mike (standing, 2nd row) Dawn, Yoko, Byungil, me
friday - was supposed to go to school to have a tutor help me out with microbiology (i missed 2 classes coz i got sick). but had to stay 'on call' at home because my uncle went for his colonscopy. the idea of a tube being inserted into your ass just boggles me, though at an exhibit that i attended (bodyworks, more on that on a later entry), i DID see what the large intestine looks like on the inside. cool, but i'm guessing mighty uncomfortable for the patient. when i asked uncle, he was placed in anesthesia daw, so he wasn't able to feel them poking through him.
saturday - gack. bought 2 tanks and one blouse. i'm now in the mood for jeans and espradilles or wedges (these two are sandals, btw). i blame it on the coming of spring. my wardrobe has been so dull lately, all longsleeve clothes in dark colors (it is winter, after all), and i'm yearning to inject some color.
sunday - somebody unbelievably told me.... i had a pretty voice. naks. meanwhile, far away, i bet thea and mengs are laughing their ass off in disbelief (but my seatmate DID say it!). but service was nice today, we talked about john 2 and 3, truth and love.
after service, i had wanderlust hit me (wanderlust is a dragonlance term when kenders, a race in that series, have the insatiable need to just wander and discover new roads and places). so i went to a back road with no idea where it will lead me; i was only comforting myself with the idea that if i get lost, i'll just backtrack. fortunately, the back road ended to a semi-familiar path, and with a few turns, i found myself back to the road home. not content, i went to a different road, a highway, and in a few minutes, found a nice row of stores, which included a japanese restaurant that i went into and ordered lunch (sushi, spring roll, soup, pork katsu). gaah, it was very impulsive of me, and very unlikely. but, there was a strange happy feeling to it, a sense of being free...
// 12:26 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006

the above pic brings wonderful videogame playing memories back in pinas. sigh (blame it on mengs, he started the ice candy flashback).
called 'legend of mana' this was the second rpg game me and my sis played (the first being 'chocobo dungeons 2', which we technically still havent finished). what really stood out on this game was the character you now see above - Pearl.
dear gosh. she's about the worst character you could EVER be paired up with. my character was preparing to fight this boss, and i was egging my sister to go attack it as well (FYI, she controlled Pearl). so up she goes to the boss and when she pressed a button on her controller, Pearl immediately began....
to drop to her knees and cower! OMG.
laughter ensued - thea kept pressing the button and Pearl would duck, and i was laughing AND trying to fight to keep both of our characters alive. both of us almost had tears running down our cheeks.
which brings to mind another laugh-out-loud memory -- our rendevouz with the LIVER sisig. you can read that in my
sis's blog---------
quote from
rony's blog"So risk. Risk being vulnerable. Risk falling in love first. Risk saying yes even if you are terrified the other person will turn away. Risk being you when your fears tell you to be anything but. Risk putting boundaries in place and saying no. Risk being worth someone's effort. Risk asking for love. Risk anything that stands between you and your ability to be the loving presence you are when fear is running the show. Love may be rusty, but don't let that stop you. It's like riding a bike. Accept the risk. Get on and start pedaling. It will all come back- it always does."
Rhonda Brittenhmmmm...
// 7:29 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
oooh oooh! my name's on an article!!! *find me!!!*
Fall 2005 Dean's List
// 8:16 PM