Tuesday, February 28, 2006
i had to stay home today due to some stomach complications. i might have caught the stomach flu/virus that's reportedly going around. still, i tried to go to school to do my lab practical exam, but upon explaining to my prof that i had to miss her earlier lecture class (and seeing my flushed face as well), she said that i better go home and just have the exam on another day.
slept for 2 1/2 hours straight as soon as i got home.
i'm also thinking it might be because i didn't have enough sleep the weekend before. somehow, my body doesn't function right if i don't get enough shuteye. that, or i can blame the changing weather. its been pretty cold lately (we had snow again, in fact). tom's weather is looking better, but the following day, we're expecting a lot of showers, but with a 40 degree weather. good gosh. orrrrrr, i might really just be working too hard. this is probably my body's way of saying, relax bitch or m gonna make you sick for you to stay home! haha.. orrrr, maybe, this is God's way of making me have the time to work on my ceremonial speech. i've always believed that things happened for a reason, so maybe i am getting this extra time beforehand without me knowing that i need it.
hmm... in any case, it still looks like i must get my body mechanics down before i head to clinical. (or is it all a fruitless effort?)
i leave you guys with pictures from school (again). my 2 anatomy exams went surprisingly well, and i thank everyone who prayed for me.

more coworkers! L-R: yoko, jess, me, julie, chiang-mei

my anatomy study group! L-R: brittany, sarah, bill, me

hehe... my digital cam sure is handy. aside from taking pictures of models, i took it upon myself to practice the art of focusing a lens through A MICROSCOPE. ye, i look studid doing it, but hey, i get to bring the pics home and look at them thru my laptop. this is a shot of an ileum, and the pointer is directed between the Payer's patches, the violet part representing lymph nodules inside the part of the small intestine, and the microvilli, used for absorption of nutrients. naks.... haha!
// 12:50 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
two things finally under my belt - finished my first anatomy2 exam, and the iso bazaar event.
more on the latter (since i'm pretty sure you're fed up with all about my studying). last feb22, we held our first ever club event, the 'tasting the world: international food bazaar". haay. it was a success. i'm still in shock and in joy just thinking about it.
let's see. here are a few details. we were supposed to open at 11am, but people were already lining up. one hour into selling the food, we were already having our first sold-out dishes (ubos!). an hour later, we were running out of almost all food in our table, and we already made above $460! ok, that might not seem a lot, but we had a lot of good feedback. by far, it was 'the most successful fundraiser ever in the history of hacc clubs'. the cafeteria that helped us out with the dishes, utensils, etc said we were the 'best and most organized food sale'. we deserve a 'fundraiser award' (this was said to me part jest/part serious by a student government friend of mine). what else - oh, we had a lot of people asking for ANOTHER bazaar, how awesome is that?
on top of it all, i got a lot of compliments from my advisors, fellow club members and friends about how well i pulled it off, good job daw. haaay. grabe. all i can say is, me being the event organizer in landco really paid a lot. i mean, the event itself was really a group effort, but it warms my heart that i had helped make it happen. d sa nagmamayabang ako. but really, it was a lot of hard work on my part as well, and i'm just so glad it all went well. plus the fact that club has a lot of good people who helped out, grabe.
i cooked my only specialty - carbonara. other dishes included, aah, pancit bihon, chicken curry, pastillos, brownies, texas sheet cake, some 3 african dishes, a romanian dish, african tea, sushi... ang dami!
here are some pics:

the dean paying me for his meal. if you would look carefully, he looks a lot like mr. bean! hehe

that's hardy (malaysia) on the left giving food to shannon on the right.

me and sabrina (from venezuela)

group pose! robert (india- advisor), sabrina, doru (romanian), me, sammy (african), heather (USA - advisor), joy (phil - advisor)

sold out list!

joy, heather, ana (columbia), hardy

joy giving out sushi (we got them for free!)
// 7:33 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006

translation: pang-aral lang ako.
// 6:21 AM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
mamaya na date date na yan (d naman sya date no!)
eto po, mga pics!
some friends sa work ko -- julie (seated) - hk girl; yoko (with me, standing) - japanese
my room (in its non-cluttered state)!!! (i wish i could arrange the photos like thea did hers, pero tamad ako and pressed for time - gotta study soon!) check out my tambakan ng gamit (closet), shoe rack (kulang pa mga yan!), etc

ano pa ba... i went to a black black tie affair event last saturday. yes, the black black was typed on purpose. because, it was a formal event (hence the 'black tie') and it was predominantly in tribute for the negros (hence the first 'black'). it was in held in harrisburg hilton (hilton is a misleading overhyped word. half-expecting it to be this grand building, the hotel itself and the halls were so-so). thank goodness i didn't do the driving (an hour's drive on a highway!), moreso that it was night and raining really hard!
so my friend (Christian worship leader, btw, and wrestling coach!) got an award for being a black achiever. our school sponsored for 2 tables, so he invited me, and we also had some faculty with us. the good part was, it was Hershey (the chocolate company) that was responsible for catering on that night, so the food was great! the dessert, ironically, was the letdown. the chocolate mousse cake was 'airy' and unsatisfying, and the other fruit cake was, well, too sweet for me. but catering food, oks! ano pa ba.. the blacks really uphold martin luther king as their 'hero', which i will not comment on. the only thing i've heard about him was that he is a major plagiarist, but heck, if he inspires a whole race to be better people, then who cares if he was a plagiarist, right?
i also found out that there's a black national anthem pla. there was a production number which included mimes dancing and lip-synching to an amazing Christian music. galing! wish i brought my camera then. i'm glad i got invited, if only to relax and see some new things for once. life has been so monotonous lately that i needed some sort of spice in my life.
for those interested, here was my dress, though i was honestly insane to wear it at a 20 degree weather, not including wind factor (i brought a black jacket, buti na lang). my new black strappy shoes (pic to follow soon) were hot, tho! hehe

i'm set to go back to harrisburg again on feb19, for a honor's society thing. hope i can get in. i'm going this time with another friend. and yes, mengs, it's another guy. puti naman. i'll see if i can post pics of these people soon (they're all good people that i sorta hang out with and fool around with).
pish posh! much ado about nothing! what really needs focus right now, is my studies!!! kaya eto muna update ko for a while, but i promise to find time! next blog might be about our food bazaar. watch out for pics on those!
// 5:09 PM